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Our Presidents

MAICCI needs to turn the page in line with the aspirations of New Malaysia.

Welcome to the largest apex Chamber of Commerce for the Malaysian Indian business community, which is the Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry or in short MAICCI which represents the interest of more than 36,000 direct and indirect members. We represent the interests of all businesses, sizes, sectors, and regions, state and local chambers as well as trade and industry associations.

Working together, we have helped firms of all sizes to achieve more. We believe it’s our relationships with others that lead us to achieve goals beyond those we could ever achieve alone. We’re the only organisation operating at the national level, that helping Malaysian Indian businesses to build relationships on every level. Across our network, we connect these businesses locally, nationally, regionally and internationally, with other businesses, with decision-makers and more importantly opportunities.

MAICCI is also the Malaysian government’s preferred dialogue partner, a status that we have proudly guarded over the last 68 years. Our opinions have been continuously voiced and sought by policymakers and as we have been helping to shape the Malaysian Indian business agenda over the years. MAICCI’s network sits at the heart of local business communities in every part of Malaysia, helping businesses of every size and sector to thrive.

MAICCI continues to evolve and this has been starkly demonstrated in the change of leadership in this year’s elections. The realities of the new Malaysia after the 9th of May 2018 has changed the way we look at the landscape of business and us completely under the aspirations of today.

What is expected of MAICCI and what MAICCI ought to be – these expectations are now new and real. There are expectations from those whom we serve. The very core members of the Malaysian Indian business community expect us to stand up at this crucial juncture and be counted.

We cannot afford to fail them. If we do, then inevitably, irrelevance will set it.

This ‘MAICCI #IniKaliLah’ manifesto that reflects the expectations of Malaysian Indian business communities across our nation and the measures they require from any incoming office bearers that helped propel me and the new team will be our guide as we move forward in the short and medium term.

The manifesto ensembles the aspirations and ambitions of our core members – the state chambers, trade associations and corporate members that are affiliated with MAICCI. The manifesto document marries their aspirations with that of the larger Malaysian Indian business community and then this, in turn, is aligned back to the objectives of MAICCI at the national level.

The ‘MAICCI #IniKaliLah’ manifesto, identified six core themes – ‘MAICCI’, which must be at the heart of any plan for change, to ensure that MAICCI becomes a more relevant, more enterprising, and a more connected national level organization.


MAICCI will also whilst defending the position as the Malaysian Indian chambers, we will foster new and strengthening bonds with our sister chambers from the Malay (DPMM), Chinese (ACCCIM) and other national chamber bodies to pursue a Malaysian dream.

As the President of MAICCI, I am very confident that the clear call from the business community to make these priorities for changes a reality. I on behalf of MAICCI confidently support the leadership of our nation and YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s vision of restarting our nation.

I know we have come a long way; the institution now must turn the page and move on.

Sometimes change isn’t just good, it’s necessary.

Let’s Rebuild MAICCI. It’s time to get MAICCI moving again.

Dato’ Seri Gobalakrishnan Narayanasamy

Tan Sri (Dr.) Kenneth Eswaran
Dato' Pardip Kumar Kukreja
Datuk K. Kenneth Eswaran
Dato' V.K.K Teagarajan
Tan Sri Kishu Tirathrai
Tan Sri Dato' S.O.K Ubaidulla
K.P Dawood Sultan
Gurbakan Singh Sambhu
C.M. Seth
Tan Sri Dato' S.O.K Ubaidulla
MAICCI Established